Saturday, May 22, 2021

Mask pollution😷

 Have you ever wondered how many masks is been used daily in the world?

Do you know where all your used masks go?

How disposal of your used masks affect wildlife?

Hola amigos!

 Another challenge hits mankind in a form of virus names Coronaviruses in 2019. The world stands united to fight against it. Lifestyle changed, distance grew, the smile disappeared, freedom was ceased. Masks were made compulsory to were. But here are a few dark truths and facts about surgical masks.

Masks produced per day - 770 crores (approx)
Masks used per day - 600 crores (approx)
Masks disposed of per day - ~700 crores (approx)

Where do all your used masks go🤔
Everyone uses the mask and throws it away in a trash can. Where it actually goes is a major fact. All the masks collected by local trash collectors make sure they dispose of in nearby garbage fields. Then this waste is then differentiated into recyclable and non-recyclable waste. 

All non-recyclable wastes are then loaded into a truck to swift it to the Headquarters of the trash collector. This trash is now ready for final disposal into open land.

What is Mask pollution?

Disposal of masks with the strings attached is causing a major problem in hurting wildlife. Masks are littered all over open fields.

Here are few photos which captured birds getting hurt by straps attached with a mask.

What can we do?

Use recyclable masks: One best solution is to switch to reusable cloth masks. 

Slit the straps: Rip off the straps after used and dispose 

Proper disposal of masks

A complete review on face mask hurting wildlife

Be the change and save the earth🌏

Any ideas you have for safe disposable masks? 
Share in the comment section.

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